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財務金融學系 Department of Banking and Finance

胡文正 助理教授

Assistant Professor Wen-Cheng Hu

Ph.D., College of Management (Major in Finance), Yuan Ze University

Specialty: Investment, Econometrics,Data Science

email wencheng@ctbc.edu.tw

Professional Experiences 

  • Associate Researcher, Center for Industrial Studies, Economic Daily News

Journal Articles/Conference Papers

  1. 胡文正、張健榮,2019。BEPS積極型租稅規劃揭露法案之探討,財稅研究,第四十八卷第一期,頁56-87。
  2. Hu, Wen-Cheng and A. Y. Huang, 2018. Asymmetric Dynamics between Informed Trading Activity and Credit Default Swaps, Journal of Derivatives, 26(2), pp.70-85.【SSCI,科技部一般財務子領域期刊ATier-2級期刊】
  3. Hu, Wen-Cheng, S.-Y. Lin, and A. Y. Huang, 2017. Determinants of Time-Varying Idiosyncratic Volatility: Evidence from Information Risk. International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 8(12), pp.719-741.
  4. Hu, Wen-Cheng, W.-R. Lin, and D. L. Minh, 2016. How Global and Domestic Events Affect Emerging Market: Evidence from Vietnam Market. Empirical Economics Letters, 15(9), 859-868.
  5. Huang, A. Y. and Wen-Cheng Hu, 2013. Price dynamics of credit default swaps, Journal of Management and Systems, 20(3), pp. 549-581.【TSSCI】
  6. Huang, A. Y. and Wen-Cheng Hu, 2012. Regime switching dynamics in credit default swaps: Evidence from smooth transition autoregressive model. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 391(4), 1497-1508.【SCI】


  1. 【讓A變成A+!向全球100強執行長學習 比起淘金他們更懂永續經營精神】,2018-02-12
  2. 【如何讓世界看見台灣?「新人才新思維」打造競爭軟實力!】,2017-10-12
  3. 【安居樂業大不易!台灣人,你幸福嗎?】,2017-07-14
  4. 【平均錄取率僅4%,「考公職」現在還是份金飯碗嗎?】,2017-06-15
  5. 【提升「隱形冠軍」競爭力,「前瞻人才」不可或缺!】,2017-05-08
  6. 【原來這一切都離你我這麼近!不可忽略的國人十大死因!】,2016-04-25
  7. 【名過其實的「利率」:負利率時代究竟是好是壞?】2016-04-13
  8. 【你有多久沒「開卷」了?從大數據看圖書出版新樣貌!】,2016-03-28
  9. 【還在把錢放銀行?小心「負利率」時代、讓你不斷「付利率」!】,2016-03-09
  10. 【不只是人力,更要是「人才」!】,2016-02-03
  11. 【慘澹的經濟,下一個「出口」在哪裡?】,2016-01-20
  12. 【支付變革,你行動了嗎?】,2016-01-06
  13. 【景氣寒冬中的職場趨勢】,2015-12-23
  14. 【投資有賺有賠,小心你的保險『不保險』!】,2015-12-09
  15. 【帶上你的『黃金藏寶圖』,咱們一同採礦去!】,2015-11-25
  16. 【一個國家、兩個世界!是貧是富大不同?】,2015-11-11
  17. 【不可承受之重?國家人民的債重量!】,2015-10-28
  18. 【一分鐘看懂貨幣匯率,哪兒便宜,去哪兒玩!】,2015-10-14
  19. 【薪水小偷在哪兒?從GDP看薪資起伏。】,2015-09-21


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